While working on the next " genie and the net " article for the NZSG magazine, "The New Zealand Genealogist" this morning, I keep coming across a lot of technology news for genealogists and thought some of these are great Christmas gifts. So rather than wait for the magazine - which you wont see till February 2012, decided to post here. 1) NZSG Kiwi Index - this NZSG members CD with over 8 Million NZ records speaks for itself, if you can wait till Xmas Day for yours... 2) Flip Pal - this is a great little scanner with lots of uses for genealogists. During November 7 geneabloggers are trialing this portable scanner and blogging the results. Here is a post about the scanner and the blogs involved. Worth clicking on the blogs for tips and hints. Many of you will find the tips suggested useful. Like set the date and time the FIRST time you turn it one BEFORE you use it - for those who never read the manual first ;-) And not just for genie things, us...
Sharing my family research and other genie ponderings...