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99 Things Genealogy Meme - Aussie Style

Thanks again to Geniaus : In May 2009 Becky over at Kinexxions put together 99 Things Genealogy Meme. It had a distinctly US flavour. As there are now a number of Australian bloggers in the blogisphere I thought I'd take Becky's meme and dinkumise it. I encourage Australian genealogists to post this meme, which will give others a picture of you, to your blogs. Foreigners are welcome to join the fun. The list should be annotated in the following manner: Things you have already done or found Things you would like to do or find Things you haven’t done or found and don’t care to Here is my contribution: 1. Belong to a genealogical society (Three actually) 2. Joined the Australian Genealogists group on Genealogy Wise 3. Transcribed records. 4. Uploaded headstone pictures to Find-A-Grave or a similar site. 5. Documented ancestors for four generations (self, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents) 6. Joined Facebook. 7. Cleaned up a run-down cemetery. 8. Joined the Gen